Snohomish County
Sduhubš (Snohomish), Sdukʷalbixʷ (Snoqualmie)
Sqaǰətabš (Skagit) , saʔqʷəbixʷ-suyaƛ̕ʔbixʷ (Suiattle), and Stuləgʷábš (Stillaguamish) peoples
Stillaguamish Tribe, Tulalip Tribes, Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe
In late 2022 CRF helped form a coalition to protect legacy forests in Snohomish County, which has found success engaging Snohomish County Council on this issue. We have also lead a number of community hikes and survey trainings to educate the larger community about legacy forests under threat. There are a number of ways to get involved. We need more people who can give public comments at County Council meetings, write letters to the editor, and survey timber sales.
CRF has developed a report on Mature Forests in the County that Need Our Help!
Legacy Forests in Snohomish County
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Our Coalition Partners in Snohomish
Snohomish County Residents: Urge County Council and Executive to Save Our Mature Forests
CRF, and a coalition including Snohomish League of Women Voters and Sierra Club's Sno-Isle Group, is launching a campaign to protect all legacy forests in Snohomish County! We need as many Snohomish County residents to join us in urging County Executive Somers and County Council to take action. Please click the link below and share it widely with other Snohomish residents.
There are about 120,000 acres of state forest lands in Snohomish County that are managed for logging by the WA Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 95% of those acres are young tree plantations. In fact there are only 6,000 acres left of unprotected mature forests in Snohomish County. Nearly 1,000 of those acres will likely be logged in the next 2 years! Many contain trees over 100 years old but don’t meet DNR’s narrow definition of old growth.
The science on forests tells us time and again that preserving older, mature trees provides us with many essential services for free: keeping water clean, stabilizing land during heavy rains and floods, keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, and protecting salmon-bearing streams. They also provide excellent wildlife habitat for a range of native species, many of which depend on mature forests to survive.
There are now programs funded by the WA State Legislature that would protect these forests without sacrificing funding for counties and public schools. Help us tell Snohomish County Council and Executive Somers that our county should take advantage of these funding opportunities, and that they should collaborate with DNR to protect all of our last remaining mature forests.